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Hey everyone this is MimiiCassiee, also twitter and youtube users! Please follow us for updates and a little bit of EVERYTHING

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Halloween Party!


I know its early its still september! lol.. But hey, a party like this needs LOADS of planning :). This is exciting though.. it will be held at Mimii's house. Since she lives in the booney's and it can be that much better :)..

This is a non-alcoholic event. Mostly because we are under the legal age! AND also because most activities need your full attention mentally and physically. lol. And just because i'd like to invite people of all groupes and types :) seems like the best way to do it.

It will be held ON oct.31rst Since this year it is on a saturday. If they people want to miss out on a GREAT time and go out drinking... well thats their loss lol. While were out at my house having a blast lol :).. It's going to be a full day thing. starting at 1 ending at midnight :). But people are gladly invited to stay the night. When guests leave they need to make sure they'll grab their candy's/treat bag.

You do need to be a highschool student to attend. I cannot be babysitting all night. Their will also be an r.s.v.p fee. Because this wont be your plane ol' party their will be prizes, activities, food, treat bags everything like that. So if we have over 25 people the fee will be 10$.. if under 25.. it may go up.. sorry ... you will be asked to r.s.v.p by the 21rst.. gives us 10 days to get EVERYTHING set up.

Heres the thing though.. YOU NEED TO BE IN A COSTUME TO COME! and it is a theme party.. the theme is Cartoon's at halloween *note to self: find cool name, if you have a good name for it PLZ post bellow* (but you can be creative with it, like a dead sponge bob haha! anything) but it has to be a cartoon. Here are some cartoon idea's
- Jetsons
- fairly odd parents
- sponge bob square pants
- dora the explorer
- maggie and the ferocious beast ( sp )
- sailor moon
- finding nemo

Now your probably wondering. whats going on? well heres a quick list of ideas of activies we will be holding :).

- Flash:
This is a fun twist to the game magical chairs. You have a group of people sitting in the middle of a circle. Then the hostess calls out something like (Find someone who is wearing blue) and the people sitting go find someone in blue.. during that time the hostess removes a chair. and the person comming back to no chair joins the big circle of people.
-Viewing of a horror movie:
Does anyone have any ideas of a good SCARY horror movie? plz comment bellow.
-Haunted Crescent:
At mimii's house their is a place beside the parking lot that goes down from the house to the lake.. and its a nice mini trail. I will be decorated and with some spookey surprises. Once dusk hits. the walk begins.
-Bon fire:
This is a typical outdoors activitie. But you cannot have a halloween party without spooky stories. A designated reader will be reading out the story to the guests. but a good bon fire is no good bon fire WITHOUT... drum roll plz.. Weener dogs, smores, chips and soda! :) just one great time at the bon fire on halloween night :).
- Pinata:
EVERYONE knows what a pinata is :).. And everyone loves the treats it gives you. Hit and Win!
- Food:
The food will be provided with your r.s.v.p fee :). Supper, snacks, treats, simple breakfast
- Bobing for apples:
Such a fun game (for the ones with no makeup that is :P lol) But you can win prizes. and its just very fun.
- Haunted race:
This is Mimii's family's twist to a mini amazing race game for a small party group :). again win prizes
- Sleep:
If we ever get to sleep we all need somewhere to go right. So please bring your tents, matresses and pillows.. etc...
- Others:
We wont be doing activities 24/7 so their will be times to just wander around and chill. Their is a hot tub. a lake w/kayaks, possible boat rides w/frankenstein :P(my dad) ( The actors of this party do no dress up as cartoons).

so thats a quick summary of whats GOING ON!!. lol we hope to see you there :)
if you have anything you think we should add plz comment bellow!

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