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Hey everyone this is MimiiCassiee, also twitter and youtube users! Please follow us for updates and a little bit of EVERYTHING

Saturday, September 19, 2009


So i'm really thinking about posting my last week on www.fmylife.com.. BLUH! Lets just say its not a good week at all... Well thats a lie, It was an AWESOME week saturday sunday monday tuesday ... and wednesday till 8... This is when me and Zach went for a walk and went to the park and just chilled it was nice automn evening, but I knew something was bothering him, but he wouldn't tell me... he'd say i'm tierd.. But after 1 year of dating him, I just knew something was on his mind... But then I decided to go home, gave him a hug (a pretty forced one) and a couple kisses. The I love you's were exchanged and I drove home with kind of a worried thought.. My Gutt Feeling Was WAY Right... I get online, check my e-mails and such.. then i see an msn thing pop up...

Zach: Hey babe
Mimi: Hey sweetie, wats up
Zach: Not much.. You

The convo started out oki.. But then its when he told me he was stressed out about stuff and had alot on his mind, and needed a break... Knowing me, i started crying, this could not have been happening, the GUTT feeling jsut grew stronger, I didn't sleep that night the tears just kept rolling down my cheeks, thankfully I had my friend Tyler to help me out and talk to me.. Tyler is Zachs twin sister's boyfriend. Hes a sweet guy and i've been friends with him since JK.. and He stayed up till i went to bed.. I know what a nice guy.. But i never really went to bed, i mean i layed down but never really fell asleep for more then 15 mins ... Its not a good feeling. Then as 2 more tear jerker days pass by I decided I needed to talk to him just so I know how he was doing.. This was friday... Well he tells me, that he doesn't think we will last much longer.. OH GOD... a knife just ran through my heart, the tears came out like buckets of water, i wasn't able to breath, i was empty... I was broken.. He then told me he wanted to talk to me sunday, we would go to tim hortons and chat over coffee, of course I accepted I love the guy i wanna see him.. (sunday is tomorrow... wish me luck with this)... So friday night comes along, I decide I need to be social and be around alot of people to somewhat clear my mind, and it kind of helped, I went to a Junior A hockey game, then went to timmies with another group of friends... That was find and dandy, but I wasn't really smiling..
.... then my phone vibrates.. My good friend (annonymous) told me a close friend of mine (annonymous) had been cuddling with Zach on thursday... Oh now i was just enraged!! I texted my friend and deffinetly gave her a peice of my mind, stormed out of Timmies, and drove home with Angry and Sad tears in my eyes... Got home and snuggled up to my mommey and let it all out, i've been betrayed... Another sleepless night... The morning came along tears still in my eyes, I miss him... I miss him terribly..

And here I am today.. Saturday, Deffinetly not having a great day. Crying at every hour about, because of random memories (GREAT memories) the ones i will never forget...

He will always be the one I fell in love with.. and will always have a peice of my heart.
I just wish this wasn't happening, I was really hoping he was the one...
Love Always...

Monday, September 7, 2009

My life is average.

Hey viewers,

Today i'm at work, and thinking, why not write a blog... But yet I have NO idea what to talk about so its going to be pretty random. Haha. Ya so like I said.. I'm at work. On labour day.... soooooo.. that means TIME AND A HALF BABY! lol. Yup thats right.. *In my future I see fortune, a VERY nice pay cheque* :) ya i'm a fortune teller lol.. Nah.

So i started reading the vampire diaries :) .. And you know what NO TO SHABBY i'm really enjoying it :).. and plus its free im reading it on www.browseinside.harperteen.com ... to be exact http://browseinside.harperteen.com/index.aspx?isbn13=9780061963865&WT.mc_id=biWidget1edecc8c-e125-4148-bd1c-2f58d4a36c0d. I recommend it for all you vampire lovers out zer. (zer = there but with a french/english accent) haha. And the TiVo series is coming out like.... omg in FOUR days!!! i'm so excited... well Technically its comming out thursday on the CW.. but i'm going to be watching with Cassie after work on fridays on much music. Oh well i promised myself i wouldn't watch it at home on thursdays on CW. But I WILL be putting it on my PVR for further watching .. (is it possible to put them on dvd afterwards?.. plz comment bellow if you know so or how?)

So tomorrow is school..... i still have a project to finish... DARN! oh well its easy ha. and i have 10 hours of the day left haha. But you knwo what sucks... since im on my 5th year of high school... I HAVE NO FRIENDS LEFT!! :'( tear. ya i sit alone at the caf, like a loner... All my friends, boyfriend etc all go to the english school :(. Oh well i'll live.. Best part though is TOMORRROW! is me and my boyfriends 1 year aniversary :) boy oh boy I love him! and can't wait to spend our lunch period together ... even if it is only 10 mins... but! it will be nice. and tomorrow after school and after i'm done work :). It shall be a great day. Hopefully.. I MEAN 1 YEAR is a big deal :).. Zachary, if your reading this :) I LOVE YOU!!

So i finally got the internet at my house... But it hasn't benifited me in anyway yet... Like, I havent gotten the chance to put my youtube videos up.. and that makes me sad :(... My august faves will be late. my school shopping is late.. its not fun! But you know what, i'm going to suck it up and post them when i can! cuz it needs to be done!

So i ended up writing a decent blog.. I hope someday i'll have interesting stories to tell, or some good tutorials to tell you guys about :).. but for now....

MimiiCassiee. OUT!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Halloween Party!


I know its early its still september! lol.. But hey, a party like this needs LOADS of planning :). This is exciting though.. it will be held at Mimii's house. Since she lives in the booney's and it can be that much better :)..

This is a non-alcoholic event. Mostly because we are under the legal age! AND also because most activities need your full attention mentally and physically. lol. And just because i'd like to invite people of all groupes and types :) seems like the best way to do it.

It will be held ON oct.31rst Since this year it is on a saturday. If they people want to miss out on a GREAT time and go out drinking... well thats their loss lol. While were out at my house having a blast lol :).. It's going to be a full day thing. starting at 1 ending at midnight :). But people are gladly invited to stay the night. When guests leave they need to make sure they'll grab their candy's/treat bag.

You do need to be a highschool student to attend. I cannot be babysitting all night. Their will also be an r.s.v.p fee. Because this wont be your plane ol' party their will be prizes, activities, food, treat bags everything like that. So if we have over 25 people the fee will be 10$.. if under 25.. it may go up.. sorry ... you will be asked to r.s.v.p by the 21rst.. gives us 10 days to get EVERYTHING set up.

Heres the thing though.. YOU NEED TO BE IN A COSTUME TO COME! and it is a theme party.. the theme is Cartoon's at halloween *note to self: find cool name, if you have a good name for it PLZ post bellow* (but you can be creative with it, like a dead sponge bob haha! anything) but it has to be a cartoon. Here are some cartoon idea's
- Jetsons
- fairly odd parents
- sponge bob square pants
- dora the explorer
- maggie and the ferocious beast ( sp )
- sailor moon
- finding nemo

Now your probably wondering. whats going on? well heres a quick list of ideas of activies we will be holding :).

- Flash:
This is a fun twist to the game magical chairs. You have a group of people sitting in the middle of a circle. Then the hostess calls out something like (Find someone who is wearing blue) and the people sitting go find someone in blue.. during that time the hostess removes a chair. and the person comming back to no chair joins the big circle of people.
-Viewing of a horror movie:
Does anyone have any ideas of a good SCARY horror movie? plz comment bellow.
-Haunted Crescent:
At mimii's house their is a place beside the parking lot that goes down from the house to the lake.. and its a nice mini trail. I will be decorated and with some spookey surprises. Once dusk hits. the walk begins.
-Bon fire:
This is a typical outdoors activitie. But you cannot have a halloween party without spooky stories. A designated reader will be reading out the story to the guests. but a good bon fire is no good bon fire WITHOUT... drum roll plz.. Weener dogs, smores, chips and soda! :) just one great time at the bon fire on halloween night :).
- Pinata:
EVERYONE knows what a pinata is :).. And everyone loves the treats it gives you. Hit and Win!
- Food:
The food will be provided with your r.s.v.p fee :). Supper, snacks, treats, simple breakfast
- Bobing for apples:
Such a fun game (for the ones with no makeup that is :P lol) But you can win prizes. and its just very fun.
- Haunted race:
This is Mimii's family's twist to a mini amazing race game for a small party group :). again win prizes
- Sleep:
If we ever get to sleep we all need somewhere to go right. So please bring your tents, matresses and pillows.. etc...
- Others:
We wont be doing activities 24/7 so their will be times to just wander around and chill. Their is a hot tub. a lake w/kayaks, possible boat rides w/frankenstein :P(my dad) ( The actors of this party do no dress up as cartoons).

so thats a quick summary of whats GOING ON!!. lol we hope to see you there :)
if you have anything you think we should add plz comment bellow!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Random post :)

Hey everyone!

I'm so excited! I FINALLY GOT INTERNET AT HOME! lol. i haven't had it all summer cuz it wasn't working! UGH it was frustrating. But i'm deffinetly going to be posting video's tonight and tweeting :) hehe. So i deffinetly need to advertise my blog more often haha. I'm still my own follower haha. So what are you doing? lol I'm thinking I should do a blog/twitter/youtube contest! lol it could be fun. I have coastal scents prizes and posh brushes :) and some eye shadows :). please follow this blog.

I love the world!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Product Guru

Hey everyone,

boy i wish when i said everyone i was actually talking to some followers... hmm I unno maybe someday :). But im still going to blog lol. I love to blab on about nothing :). So heres my todays blog hehe.

So i'm at work bored out of my mind resizing pictures then an idea came to my mind, i've been buying products that i've been loving and reviewing them either here on youtube or on twitter. lol Maybe i should just become a product tester were the company's send me the stuff and I review it lol GOD i would love that! haha does anyone know how you can do that? i'm so interested lol. So me and Cassiee went to the city and baught so much stuff we can't wait to film our haul and show you guys the stuff hehe :). Once the video is up i'll post a blog with all the stores and stuff :). It'll be good times.

So today i take my lunch break at 2 cuz i wanna see cassie dearest :) hehe. I usually take it at 12 lol and i can feel that i haven't taken it yet I'M HUNGRY! lol FOOOOOOOD. So today I signed up for a bunch of free sample. LOVE THOSE THINGS, but not to much lol. If anyone reads this blog and know how to answer me these questions please reply bellow :D..

- How to get more youtube subscribers?
- How to get more followers on my blog?
- How to get more followers on twitter? (that aren't spam things)
- How to become a beauty product tester?
- How to make my blog funner ( layout, music, and more )

Yup im totally knew to this stuff but in my opinion i'm managing pretty well for a newb hehe. So if theirs ANYONE out there who are interested in my blog PLEASE follow me :) and check out my other sites.

or send me an e-mail.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hey everyone! So would you like to find out how to work MIRACLES with 2 products well I will add my most recent youtube video's link to this blog.

My hair is usually impossible to straighten! lol IMPOSSIBLE but then i discovered my got2b products lol :) and I fell in love! :). I also have a very inexpensive straightner from Wallmart, no joke it cost me 20$ lol i've had it for like 2 years but in december last year I broke the spring but it still works awesome once you get the hang of it :). My sister likes to steal it cuz its better than her more expensive one :P lol. I get mad at her but thats another story hehe.

So the steps to straightening your hair with these products are easy.

Just follow these easy steps :)

1) Part your hair so you have the bottom layer available.
2) Clip the rest of your hair so its completly out of the way.
3) Spray your hair with the heat protector.
4) Comb it through so the product is evenly distributed through the hair.
5) Then you straighten it with your choice of straightner (which ever works best with your hair)
6) tie up the already straightened hair so it doesn't mix up with the rest.
7) Take down another layer ( its better if you just do one side of your head at the time)
8) repeat 2-6
9) for the last layer (it should me the smallest, and part of hair which determines your 'part') just put it down with the rest of the hair spray your whole head one last time (not too much)
10) and finish straightening.
11) for those with hair like mine you will want to spay the style tini hair spray in your hair
12) then give it a nice stroke of comb through your whole head

AND VOILA! beauty in 1.2.3. 12 ;)

xoxo. MimiiCassiee
Subscribe to our youtube channel AND follow us on twitter


Friday, August 14, 2009

Good Morning!

Good Morning to you ALL!

The sun is shinning, birds are singing, people are falling in love... and i'm at WORK! lol Yea tell me about it! NO FUN. I deffinetly want to do a video. You know what maybe i'll do one at work.. just cuz i'm SO bored! lol :) i'll think about it, if i don't please don't kill me. So recently i've really gotten into these online videos I adore! watching the famous youtube duo (sisters) Juicystar07 and allthatglitter21 :). So yesterday I was just working on my channel then I check see if I got any new subscribers and to my surprise I had 1 :D.. Her user is SLcyr, shes my couzin, but what got me really excited was that I never told her I had any of this and she found me :D so she subscribed and sooner or late were going to make a video together! I'm very excited ! lol. Does anyone know a good methode to get more subscribers ? if so PLEASE comment i'd really appreciate it :) I really do have fun stuff to show everyone, me & cassiee do! so if your a youtube user please subscribe to my channel and follow me on twitter. info listed bellow

Ways to find us:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MimiiCassiee
Blog: MimiiCassiee.blogspot.com
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/MimiiCassiee

xo. MimiiCassiee

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My last night with Vulpix and Charzard

Hey yall!

So today I worked till six, excited to hang out with my girls tonight. But then I realised, why am I so excited it will be the last time we will be together all 3 of us in who KNOWS how long!! it makes me incredibly sad. My whole highschool life i've had these girls by my side, and now were all going our seperate ways. They mean so much to me, and not having them around well its going to be tough!

So your probably wondering why they have such weird names lol. Well their names are actually Valerie & Charlie. Vulpix and Charzard are their pockemon names hehe I know were total geeks, or at least I am! haha mine is Mew hehe.. Yup.

So the plans were Charzard and I eat supper together, so we decided we were going to harass Vulpix on her LAST shift at Mcdo's!! hehe congrats Val. So we went and did our thing. Afterwards we went to the movies ( for free, since I work there ) to see My sisters keeper! OMG TOTAL TEAR JERKER!! i cried so much, i could just imagine how it would feel if my sister and I were in that situation.. Anyway back on subject. So it was deffinetly a good movie. def worth seeing, then after that Charzard and I joined Vulpix at her house which is where I am now writing the blog. We just sat in her room and chatted, our party plans were sadly canceled but still enjoying our night to its fullest. Well were going to mcdonalds atm, i'll finish this blog in 30 mins...

Hey! back from Mcdonalds! haha good time, Vulpix was deffinetly really rude :P well not really but the store was closing and she ordered something, that would be such a piss off! haha. Shes silly! I wasn't feeling very well so I didn't get anything.

But all this to say that i'm incredibly sad to see them go :(.. I love these girls SO MUCH. And I want them to know so i'm going to do a video for each of them on my youtube channel. Please Watch Comment and Rate.. hehe also follow me on twitter. www.twitter.com/MimiiCassiee

XOXO, MimiiCassiee

First blog :]

Hey everyone.

So MimiiCassiee finally got a blog! YAY how exciting, even though we've only gots 2 subscribers this is still fun hehe. So i'm Mimii i'll be the one blogging most ofthe time who know Cassiee might pop in and say a couple words also ha. So we are a How to & style / Music / Cooking etc.. Youtube channel and really searching for new subscribers lol :) so be kind subscribe! www.youtube.com/user/MimiiCassiee. You can also follow us on Twitter. www.twitter.com/MimiiCassiee. Yea we were lucky to find a username that we can use every where and is very simple :). So this is actually my first blog so I am new at this and hope you guys can help me out here.

I don't know about you guys but I love contests and I enter them as much as I can! so i'm going to add a couple contests for you guys here that are available. I am Canadian so its hard for me to find contests.... I get so mad when I fill out the whole page then they ask for zip code.. ( means its US). Ugh! lol so here are some contests for you guys out there, I find most of them off of www.louloumagazine.com. So heres a quick list of the ones I found!

- See black eyed peas LIVE! (ends Oct.1rst)

Participate in our contest and you could win an action packed Contiki European Holiday Package for two, a pair of tickets to see THE BLACK EYED PEAS live and a $500 Lady Dutch gift certificate redeemable at The Bay!

- Win a prize pack for babies.

- Win DIOR sunglasses! (month of august)

New contest every month for designer fashion prizes!

- more babie contests

Some for mommy's also

- Win a trip to quebec!

And more... loulou

Oki so back to us! MimiiCassiee will also be hosting a YouTube contest for prizes, its not up yet but it will be!! The contest will be based on halloween costume/makeup thing :) its our little secret ;) So please go to youtube create yourself an account if you don't already have one AND subscribe to our channel PLEASE! hehe

xo. MimiiCassiee